Originally, the shop was located on Westwood Boulevard in Westwood, California (CA) near the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)  campus. This was our original business card.


For the first few months after we opened, we just had a small area in the front part of the shop for our merchandise and a very small back area for our sewing room.  Since the shop was small, we had to get creative to show our clothes-  so we hung them on the walls and also from the ceiling. I think it gave us a more “hip” look and separated us from the average boutique.

In the beginning, I was the only seamstress but after a couple of months we were able to find a couple of young girls looking for a part time job who knew how to sew. As time went by, our partner, Vince, introduced us to his girlfriend, Zelita Biesele. We hired her to help in the sewing room which lightened my load tremendously. Zelita and I remained very good friends until she passed away in 2010. She and I spent several months together in India around 1972 after the shop had closed down.

One extraordinary event occurred was when George Harrison decided to make a visit. It was recorded in an article by BEATLES FAN, RODNEY BINGENHEIMER : MY GROOVY VISIT WITH GEORGE HARRISON… AND A TRIP TO SAT PURUSH!

Here is part of his recollections, published in Tiger Beat Magazine, a syrupy teen rag:

“George wanted to walk to Sat Purush, an Indian shop on West End Boulevard, It was the first chance he’d gotten in all these years to just walk on an American street. That’s pretty funny, isn’t it, when he’d been over here so often? Well, walk we did, and everyone was great. They just smiled and waved and nobody tried to mob him. George really liked everyone because they were so nice to him. George started trying on just about everything in Sat Purush. He was running all around the store in his underwear — he even went into the window display in his underwear to try on shoes! It was pretty funny!”